About Me

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I crap alot.. I get all corny n emo sometimes but then I can burst out laughing suddenly and catch u off-guard LoL Love me, Love me not? Choose wisely =) However, sisters are important to me and yea i hate it whenever i get accused of stuff i've never done. There you go ^.^ Nice meetin ya heeheeee

Thursday, October 9, 2008

Is It You?

And from the holidays, I'm back! =P
Updating what I should update, and what all of you have been waiting for...
Well, Raya was... hmmm.... Interesting =) Although, it was great to have seen many of my cousins around, after a few years of having them all around Malaysia. It just came to me that I am officially a "grown up" in the whole big picture, considering those younger than me also sem to have many duties around my house in kampung. Apparently they asctually do the housework ~.~ (I know, I know, my parents spoil me..) But hey, I did my share of the work while I was there ok? =.= I was practically a living dishwasher during the open house zzzz...
Anyhoooo.......... Here are some of the cute little things the kids and I shared doing.. Of course! Camwhoring! =P hahahaha...

My baby... Isn't she adorable? ^^ bububububuu.. anggugu...

Hey me me!!! I want it! I want it!!!! *LOL*

OK, is this how I should pose? *wink wink* LOL...

Ooohhh.. Ahhhh.... @.@

And then, there's me and my fellow vain cousins. HAHAHAHA the kampung chics XD

United we stand, divided you can kiss our asses =D

Sis, you look retarded =X hohohoo

My other retarded sis... Believe it or not, she's the mother of 2 adorable kids... My nieces XD

Nieces! Heheheee... too cute <3 onblur="try {parent.deselectBloggerImageGracefully();} catch(e) {}" href="https://blogger.googleusercontent.com/img/b/R29vZ2xl/AVvXsEiH7yH3fP14pZ0s94pepdcYlXnN4tYQd9JJ6mDlz5bO70za48MdDY7g7nN9BeRUPtBjxuiBsMpe10_mgN2_UrzXQkZfauyHv5Vtnw6LYQ0_T4_EU_PXc7ex84qBbWGzhU13FHijoDf7HXQN/s1600-h/~Photo~0370.jpg">That's me and my daddy LOL my daddy rocks XD yeah, I'ma daddy's girl =P

Mummy mummy mummy~~~ Wheeee~ we were in sleeping dresses and still hot =P BLEHHH

Me and me bro... LOL he's got pet pet hair! =.=


Heeheee... Have fun tuning in the more family oriented side of me (i seriously dunno what that means, don't even care) hohohooo...

With Lot'sa Love,
Your Babe <3.

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