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Never doubt that there wasn't a time that went by when i wasn't twisting the question about "Am i choosing the right friends...?" in my oh-so-restricted-in-books-especially-educational-stuff brain.
This post is dedicated to them. To all of them. Those whom i've just met for a few months (1 or 2 to be exact), those whom i've met since primary 5, those whom i've met during high school and so on as the list goes =)
Yes i decided to be a little colourful in this post. Mainly because i feel happy, the joy of truth and the feeling of absolute pureness when i'm around with this bunch of goons. So far, they happen to be the highlight for me to have some support around the complicated thing called "ADP", TAYLOR'S located somewhere around Malaysia. (saying just for syok)
Perhaps i do not sense any fakeness between the mutual friendship all of us share. And i feel pretty secure and obviously, i can be my f***ed up self around them, LOL... Sure feels comfortable n warm XD heehee... Well, hopefully they feel the same ^^ But of course, i don't really mind even if they didn't regard me the same. Once a friend, always a friend... Conclusion - These people are freakin nice and i like them =)
Let's not forget our V.I.P. My dearest most indescribable friend i have. If you happen watch "Sex In The City", and got to know Carrie Bradshaw and Samantha Jones, then congratulations, you're on your way to understand the ultimately most sexiest and tightest friendship closest to reality possible.
It's not that we share the same hungry sex hunt like those women in the show, it's just the way we relate to each other as best friends, how we mutually share stuff and interact. There can be times where things can get worse than just a pain in the ass and we would be on the urge of killing each other; but then of course, there are just too many times where we simply miss each other... I love this crazy asshole. 7 years as good friends and hell yeah, a lifetime to enjoy and discover life together =DI admit. I feel blessed. These are only a few rather mutual and awesome ones amongst the circle of friends that I can proudly say I have.
Posing is bad for health. It influences your brain because you'd intend to think too much about which side looks better when u pose.
Smiling sweetly is widely encouraged. However, if you have yellow teeth then please be considerate about the people viewing your pictures. It might jeopardize their eye sights.
With Lotsa Love And a Fart In The Hole <3~
Lyrics and the tune on "Breathless" by Shayne Ward, which i just realized is indeed very beautiful. If i'd listen to it any longer i'd probably b swimming in my own tears LOL... Anyways... Is there anyway in the world that a guy would sing it to me? haha... Boy, the girl that the song was dedicated to is damn lucky for sure. I'm feelin jealous >.<
Is it really realistic to be possible that a guy would actually sing that type of song to a girl? Cos if there is such guy in this demented world then congratulations n good job LOL I salute him with full of respect =X
But seriously, it will be nice if someone DOES sing that to me hahaha i'd probably marry that dude (literally) XD

Countless times i reminded myself that i should really let it out here rather than cursing and spoiling my cute image (LOL) XD. However, no matter how hard i try, there is no denying that i lost myself to words. yes. appearently, I can no longer express myself in words like how i would use to do 5 years ago. LOL do i sound old? no way.. i used to write journals in primary six and looking back, i find myself pathetically adorable.SO WHEN CAN I START EXPRESSING MY PATHETICNESS AGAIN??? *furious pout*=D Starts now. Yes, too bad you will be spending the rest of your precious 5 minutes reading this meaningless piece of nothing. (sucks to be you!) haha ^^ anyways if you're better off closing this window then congratulations to me for boring you off your not-so-sexy butt.Back into my serious mode. Am in college now, and giving u some updates about life here. Currently, am attending Taylor's American Degree Program in Subang Jaya, Selangor. If you don't know where it is then pay attention to Malaysian maps. But i strongly advice you to just not care about where the heck it might be cos it doesn't really concern anybody's ass really, am just trying to annoy the bits out of you =)So, I've been here since 6th May 2008 (from what i can recall i think)... And now, July, i am pretty much used to be buried alive under piles of assignments and projects and crazy research.................. BUT APART FROM THAT I NEED TO GO FOR MY KARAOKE SESSION WITH A BUNCH OF GOOFS NOW SO I'LL KEEP YA POSTED SOON ^^muacksss xoxoxoyour babe hohohoooo ^.^V